You Don’t Have To Lie To Your Boss To Chase Your Dreams

Last year, I kind of lied to my boss 😬

I asked for time off to “visit family” in Lebanon. But deep down, I had other plans.

When I returned to my job as a producer, I promised myself I’d still write about Lebanon. But TV news gets chaotic. Life gets busy. And I found myself feeling unfulfilled.

So last summer, I was determined to use part of my vacation to report.

I came clean to my boss. I (nervously) asked if she would let me do a story while overseas. I’m a producer and not allowed on camera … so I couldn’t BELIEVE when she said yes!

I wound up shooting the story in Lebanon and spending months editing it (on the side of my day-to-day producing job). Earlier this month, it was finally released.

I’ve posted about this before, but I don’t think life has to be as drastic as “quit your job and chase your dreams.” As long as you’re ok with having uncomfortable conversations with your boss … putting in some extra hours … and especially if you have a ridiculously supportive spouse who offers to hold the camera … I believe you can have both dreams + stability :)

PS: I finally uploaded a vlog about our trip to Egypt & Lebanon! As usual, it gets deep 😅 Here’s the link: