GOALS FOR 26 | What I Hope To Accomplish This Year

On the morning of my 26th birthday, I got way too personal on Instagram.

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I wrote about my younger self -- who was incredibly negative and would've been disappointed in who I am at 26: not a wife; not a mom; not a famous TV journalist.

But -- what I've come to realize is life isn't about reaching ultimate success by a certain age. It's about listening to what your gut is telling you to do, and taking small (but courageous) steps to get there. I believe the journey of taking those steps forms you into the person you're meant to be.

After posting it, I opened my notebook and wrote three words: “Goals for 26.” I snapped a photo for Insta story (obvz) and got to writing.


I didn’t think anyone would care what those specific goals would be. So I was surprised when I got a few curious DMs.

One guy wrote" “You gotta share those goals. I wonder what mine would be at 26.”

His message stuck with me. At his age, I had no idea what 26 looked like -- where I'd be, what I'd want. So, I’m posting my goals. I’ve been adding to the list over the last week, and it finally feels right.

Some are extremely personal and probably shouldn’t be on the Internet. But in order to show I’m still a work-in-progress -- as we all probably will be for the rest of our lives -- I want to be honest. So here they are:

  1. Strengthen my relationship with my dad by accepting him for who he is

  2. Prioritize helping Mom

  3. Be more selfless toward/spend more quality time with my siblings and nieces/nephews

  4. Plan trip to find, write and pitch incredibly eye-opening stories

  5. Find a way to work on camera -- i.e. Vice, Al Jazeera, etc. (meet with and talk to them)

  6. Write at least one BIG investigative story

  7. Share more of myself on Instagram/YouTube without worrying what others will think. Remember: I want to inspire people -- not impress them

  8. Post a personal YouTube vlog every 7-10 days

  9. Go to California, meet influencers, collaborate and/or interview them

  10. Work toward getting more in shape in the healthiest way possible -- with the goal of being a spokesmodel for a brand that promotes self-improvement in every facet of life

  11. Revitalize energy through fasted workouts and less caffeine

  12. Pray, write gratitudes, journal and meditate daily

  13. Go to confession

  14. Take Dad to church as often as possible

  15. Make an effort to meet more people with similar interests

  16. Do more fun activities -- hike, ATV, play sports, etc.

  17. Help others as a life/health mentor